Laïka Testnet
We're thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of the Laïka testnet! This multi-phased rollout will allow users and developers to experience Laïka's innovative features in a controlled environment before the mainnet launch.
As Dogecoin Testnet is not as popularly used and is not entirely supported by many wallets, along with persistent issues with existing faucets, Laïka Testnet will launch with integration to Dogecoin Mainnet instead. This approach allows anyone who is using Doge to easily interact with the Laïka Testnet.
Due to the use of Dogecoin Mainnet, operating Laïka adds up significant cost for the sequencers and could put user funds at risk, due to this the Testnet will be rolled out in phases with certain restrictions to prevent accidental loss of funds by the users.
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