Interaction with Smart Contracts

For developers building dApps on Laïka, interacting with smart contracts is crucial. Here's how you can interact with Laïka smart contracts:

  • Smart Contract Addresses: Laïka provides a readily accessible list of smart contract addresses on the L2 chain. These addresses are essential for interacting with specific functionalities.

  • Application Binary Interface (ABI): Each smart contract has a well-defined ABI that outlines the available functions and their parameters. This ABI allows developers to understand how to call specific functions within the contract and what data to provide.

  • Developer Tools and Libraries: Laïka allows developers to use their existing tools and libraries from other EVM blockchains to directly develop on Laïka with minimal or no changes.

EVM Specifications:

  • Latest Support EVM Version: Cancun

  • Smart contract Language: Solidity

Useful Links:

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