Explore Laïka Testnet

Users can connect their EVM Wallets (Metamask, Rabby, etc) directly to the Laïka Testnet by using the following details:

Name: Laika

RPC URL: https://testnetrpc1.laikachain.dog

Chain ID: 4269

Explorer URL: https://testnet.laikachain.dog

Coin: DOGE

Or, users can add the network directly in their Web3 Wallet by going to: explorer, and clicking the "Add network to Metamask" button.

Important Links:

Explorer: https://testnet.laikachain.dog

Faucet: https://laikachain.dog/faucet

Incentivized testnet tasks : https://laikachain.dog/sputnik

Wufiswap DEX: https://testnet.wufiswap.com

Last updated